The web-case revolves around the 4 key features of JUST Sustainability.
- Environmental
- Social
- Human
- Economic
These four factors are the main focus of the web-case, how is Peshawar keeping these four factors in mind and planning. “Like most of the cities in Pakistan, solid waste management is a big challenge in Peshawar as the city generate 600-700 tons of municipal waste every day, with per capita generation of about 0.3 to 0.4 kg per day. Major part of the Peshawar population belongs to low and middle income area and based upon this fact, waste generation rate per capita varies in different parts of the city.” (Hussain 2020) What effect does Peshawar’s planning have on the 4 key features of just sustainability, is it beneficial for the city taking such big initiative? As the city is progressing towards its goals, the officials has planned to build a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), Composting Plant and possibly a Waste to Energy Power Plant which would be a land mark of Peshawar city administration.
The UCs are responsible for door to door collection of domestic waste and a common shifting practice with the help of hand carts to a central pick-up points in the jurisdiction of each UC. Town Council is responsible for collection and transporting the mixed solid waste to the specified dumps which ends up at unspecified depressions, agricultural land and roadside dumps. (Hussain 2020)
- Looking at Peshawar, we can witness that the city is trying its best to provide better quality life for its citizens. Talking about environmental sustainability, the city needs to work on that. As we cab view that the city is not fully equipped to manage multiple issues at the same time, but its working towards by not burning waste and being eco-friendly.
- Social sustainability, the city is focusing on that aspect as well by building power plants and providing people with job. They are planning on creating places across the city that are sustainable and those places provide what people need from them.
- This part is where the city is successfully moving forward, human sustainability. Making the city sustainable and clean is to improve the quality of human life and we all can witness that in this website.
- The city has not really shed light upon economic sustainability, the reason is because due to lack of funds the city is barely making through environmental, human and social sustainability. Giving the city a time frame of 5-10 years I believe that it will have a positive outcomes of economic sustainability as well.